Monday, November 28, 2011

Organic Food’s Advantages; Free-Artificial Fertilizers and Pesticides

In contrast to the industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry products, organic foods have grown and processed in a natural way. Organic food was not exposed to artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Land used to grow organic vegetables are required to clean of artificial substances so there is no possibility of organic vegetables is absorbed by the roots, likewise with the cattle producers of organic meat. They were not given additional food, hormones, and drugs that can produce more fat in no time.

Natural production process makes the results more healthy vegetables and meat and fresh. The third excess of organic foods related to the environment. By eating organic foods, indirectly we have helped environmental conservation. We no longer rely on chemicals that can destroy the fertility of the soil and damage the lining of the air.
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Buying and consuming organic foods

It seems that buying and consuming organic foods have become part of contemporary life. See, there are so many organic food products that may be found in many supermarkets. Even in big cities there are special stores that sell organic food products.

So many consumers are flocking to replace them with food organic food. Not surprisingly, organic food products sold like hotcakes. This phenomenon seemed to indicate that most people already realize how important maintaining health by eating organic foods. You may be wondering why so many people who 'blow off' by consuming organic food. What are the advantages of organic food? Is not all food the same? You need to know that most of the agricultural industrialization of the food produced from artificial fertilizers and pesticides. In other words, the growth of the agricultural industrialization of food was aided by chemical substances. From the beginning of planting up to harvest, food products are constantly exposed to chemicals to prevent rot and pest attacks, likewise with the meat produced by conventional breeding. Of animals was injected drugs and hormones that big and fat fast in a short time. Well, you imagine if every day the food is consumed by us. How many chemical substances that will settle on our bodies? Although no studies that prove that the chemicals were completely absorbed by food, is still a possibility that a small portion of chemicals that go into food.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Organic Vegetables

Between Organic and Conventional Vegetables

Is it true that organic food more nutritious? Several studies have indeed shown that food produced from processing naturally have a higher level of security of food products produced through the use of agricultural chemicals. The rise of organic food production in recent years was driven by consumers who are aware of it. What are the plus values?

Plus 1: It's safer
In the visible hard to distinguish between organic and nonorganic food. The easiest way is to pay attention and surely there is at least the label 'organic' on a product you want to buy. Organic food is processed in a way that is very different than conventional food products. Not only free of chemical elements (pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, drugs), but also must meet the international requirements that have been determined. In the West, the more products vegetables and fresh fruit labeled organic. Also in the form of processed foods like cereal, baby food, or organic pasta. Even this has become a philosophy.
organic vegetables

Although many studies indicate that pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables is still within safe limits, no studies that definitively show the impact komulatifnya. Some health problems that erupted 50 years, allegedly had close ties with the introduction of the use of pesticides.

Of the cases of breast cancer increased by 40%, prostate cancer, the average male sperm count decreased to 50%, up to one in 150 baby boys newborn experiencing hypospadiasm (clumsiness form male genitalia). Yet organic fruits and vegetables are not guaranteed free from sources of disease (viral or bacterial). Organic vegetables have a higher risk of transmitting an inherited disease, since it is usually washed with water nonklorida. Plain water is considered not capable of killing bacteria and viruses that attach to the vegetables and fruits.
organic vegetables

Plus 2: Rich in nutrients
Some studies show that organic foods have higher nutrient content than conventional products. The study, overseen by Chris Aleson, president of The Organics Retailers and Growers Association of Australia shows the level of calcium, pottasium, magnesium, sodium, iron and zinc in organic vegetables 10% higher.

One cause of the high content of nutrients in organic products is because the process of irradiation experienced by non-organic products. Beam radiation is used to preserve the conventional products in addition to killing germs and bacteria also destroys some of the components of chemical molecules and turn them into free radicals.

Other research shows vitamin A, B complex, C, E and K in the irradiated vegetables was reduced to 80%. Organic produce does not allow preservation techniques with chemicals. Furthermore, this is not really needed. Some even claim that organic growers of organic vegetables is more durable. High nutrient content which is also the result of organic agricultural soils more fertile and well-maintained. Pesticides used in conventional agriculture-producing microbes destroy the enzymes that plants need vitamins.

Exactly How to Cultivate Vegetables
What if the organic material hard to come by at your place? Maybe you can be a little comforted by the results of research on lettuce, cabbage, spinach, carrots, green beans, and caisin Cianjur origin, which showed reduced levels of pesticides significantly after treatment. In raw spinach for example, levels of propinebnya reached 0.0061 mg / kg. Once sauteed, levels dropped to 0.0027 mg / kg.

The warming will also lead to the cell wall of vegetables consisting of cellulose and hemicellulose is broken. So that the pesticide be more easily separated and dissolved in water, until finally evaporated. Conversely, the use of herbs was found to increase levels of pesticides in processed vegetables.

This can be seen in the processed vegetables beans, eggplant, carrots, green beans, and caisin. Presumably, the spice is used also contain pesticide residues. Generally, our body can tolerate certain levels of pesticide residues on. To avoid excessive consumption of pesticide residues should you pay attention to the value of the ADI or Acceptable Daily Intake. ADI for each different type of pesticide. For example propineb, 0007 mg/mg/day.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Organic Food

At this time lifestyle is completely modern, it seems that buying and consuming organic food has become a way of life. How not, many organic foods found in supermarkets and specialty stores that sell organic food products. Apparently, people are realizing how important to maintaining health with consume organic food. And did not rule out the community will replace the commonly consumed food with organic food ingredients.

Daging 1 Sayur 1

Perhaps the question would arise why many people who consume organic food. What exactly is the value for the health of organic foods? And are not all the same food? Need to know, some of the food produced by industrial agriculture resulting from artificial fertilizers and pesticides that contain various chemicals. From the beginning of the planting until the harvest, plant food product is continuously supplied chemicals to prevent rotting crops and pesticides to prevent pest attack. Not much different from the meat of the results of conventional farms, cattle are given injections of drugs and hormones to accelerate growth in a relatively short time. Can we imagine when we consume these foods every day, how many chemical substances that will settle in the body? Although foods containing these chemicals are washed out, still there will be a fraction of chemicals that enter into our bodies.

Makan daging Makan sayur

Organic food products are processed and cultivated naturally be very different from the food products produced by industrial agriculture and animal husbandry. Organic food products are not contaminated with chemicals or pesticides. Planting organic vegetables are required to use the land clean of artificial substances, shingga not absorbed by the roots. Animal husbandry that produce organic meat, not given drugs, hormones and food additives to accelerate its growth. Thus, the process of growing organic food and organic animal husbandry maintenance becomes more difficult because it does not rely on artificial chemicals.

The advantages of organic food:
1. Contain more nutrients to our body's needs.
2. Nutrients are not damaged by chemicals.
3. It tastes better.
4. The process of making vegetable and meat production is more fresh and healthy.
5. Maintain soil fertility, so it can be reused.
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